Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Release the inner child.

Hello. Isn't it fun to step outside the box occasionally? To do something silly, to do something unexpected. Life can become monotonous, if we let it. Boredom is a disease we can do without. I am constantly hitting the 'refresh page' button, because I want to see what has changed. I want new things to happen.

The older I get the dafter I become. The thoughts that pop into my head constantly amaze me. The coloured text made some of you smile, that was my intention, you got my drift. Sadly it didn't work on all gadgets, some of you didn't see it because of the device you were viewing on. Things move forward, my old computer still works on Chrome and Windows, sorry, I'm not going to chuck it just yet. I don't feel the need to keep up with technology. There is too much going on in my head, being creative on a computer is just one of the many ways I like to experiment.

Here's a question, how often do you feel the need to go off the rails? To do something out of the ordinary, to become a kid again? Why do we have to behave like sensible adults when it's much more fun being silly? I think we should have a new annual celebration day, like a Totally Bonkers Day, when everyone lets go of their inhibitions.

I love flash mobs. Go Granny.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Friday, February 17, 2017

Radio Humberside bus is in town

Hello. I've had a fun time in Scunthorpe today, that doesn't happen very often, ha ha. It's usually bank and shopping, with a visit to the Age UK charity shop, oh I do lead an exciting life. 
I went to the 20 21 Arts Centre to collect my picture which was in the Open Exhibition, this closed on Saturday. Outside was parked the Radio Humberside Bus, oooh, maybe I can get on the radio. 
There were two volunteers from the Hull City of Culture, here we have a happy chappie larking about.

There is a treasure hunt planned for tomorrow, and the lady from the museum is explaining how it is going to work.

People were coming and going, I went inside for a quick chat on the radio.

All the volunteers I have met so far are absolutely loving their job. 
The main art gallery is in the church, it has a new building with a cafe, shop, classroom, and more galleries, attached to the side of it.

On the way home I called in at the Cash and Carry and found some great bargains. I'll put the pics on tomorrow.

Right, it's wine weekend, and I have a glass in front of me. I've had a phone call tonight from Jade dog's owner. Joanna is going to start walking her tomorrow, so yippeeee, it's good that I have been able to arrange that, win win all round.

I'll go upstairs now and see what Heidi is doing, she seems to want to stay up there. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Do I need one?

Hello. I am getting  a bit worried, I think I am missing out. I'm going to miss the boat and get left behind if I don't get my finger out and get organized. Everyone else seems to be getting them, you need one for this and one for that, just how many do you need? I haven't got any! Oh dear.

They say life is so much better if you have got a few of them, even one would be better than none. But where do you get them from? The world seems to be awash with them, everywhere you go there are adverts, recommendations, on the radio, internet, magazines, posters, they are everywhere. You must get one of these, you need this one and that one.

Ok, I'll look for one. But my life has been fine up to now without them, if I get one of these must have's will it make everything so much better. I'm a little bit wary of all this hype, a little bit sceptical, I can't understand how they work. What do they do exactly?

Perhaps I'll stumble across one somewhere when I am least expecting it. Maybe I'll turn a corner and there it will be, saying 'I'm yours, come and get me'. But how will I recognize it? It could be a fake. Someone could have planted it there, knowing that I will be coming along and fall for their trick. I don't know if I would dare pick it up, I might walk round it and leave it there.

If I don't get one soon perhaps I'm destined to be a dinosaur forever. I'm not sure if you have to pay for them, I've heard they are free. I don't want any extra complications in my life, I am happy as I am. Maybe I won't bother, if I see one, I will ignore it. No thanks, go away, I don't want you. That would be the easy thing to do. Yes, that's it, I have decided that I will not look for one. If I find one I will give it away.

YIKES....There are millions of them. Have you got an APP?  What do they do exactly? How do you get one? Can you give them back? Maybe someone can enlighten me.

Thanks for popping in, have a nice weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Does she ever stop talking!

Hello. Some smashing stories on yesterday's post, worth going back to see if any more have been added since you last looked. Thanks to all those who shared their inspiring stories of things not going according to plan, and how you have found a new direction. I applaud you all. 
The talk I did for the the WI last night went down really really well. One lady came to me afterwards and said what a rotten day she's had, and my talk was just what she needed. I was chuffed. The ladies were lovely, must have been about sixty of them. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned, the larger the audience the easier it is for me. I get my feedback by watching their reaction to my stories, that tells me where I should be going next. Whether to speed it up or slow it down. If they miss something they can always come and ask me later. 
I move about a lot, wandering up and down, using a lot of gesticulation. No point in standing there like a plank. My aim is to enlighten them about the joys of a frugal life, my good life on a pension, and  to make them laugh. I want them to go away chuckling to themselves. That certainly happened last night. 
I take some props with me in bags, then after the stories, I get them out and lay them on the tables, explaining a bit about my arts and crafts. I donated the last two of my shopping bags to the raffle, now I need to make some more, ha ha. After tea, the ladies come and have a closer look and ask questions. I hope I have inspired some of them to think about using recycled materials when they do their own crafting. 
There isn't a photo of me from last night, but I have found this old one from a few years ago when I did a talk at the Arts Centre at Caister. Showing the bag I made from Judo belts.

I popped to town yesterday to pay some bills into the bank, and to get some of Heidi's favourite cat food. She likes Sheba in the mini pouches. £1.50 from B & M. I had a look in the Age UK charity shop while I was passing. They sometimes have some lovely picture frames in there. No frames, but a rack full of recently donated jackets. Worth a look. Wow, spoilt for choice here. I chose these two. I really need to throw out some of the rags I am walking around in, ha ha. 
Nice eh! Good condition, hardly worn, zip up to the chin, pockets, just the job. The best part is they are only £1 each. I know, amazing isn't it. So lucky to have a £1 charity shop in our town. 

That's it folks. I've just remembered I should have picked up some magazines from Paul's house on the way back from the Jade dog walk. I had better go and get them now. My head would fall off if it wasn't screwed on.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Smelly bits

Hello. Any time I come across a minor problem it is my wish to solve it. I am of the opinion that all problems are solvable, if ideas are not forthcoming early on in the thought process, they will surely emerge later when almost all options have been dismissed. And so it is that I have put much thought into the solving of this problem. 
I mentioned that I cut my wash sponges in half, because they last longer, all well and good. You can use a whole sponge to clean the whole of your body, but that might not be very hygienic as the sponges become a tad smelly with use. So my idea of cutting them in half alleviates that problem because you can use half of it to wash the non smelly bits and the other half to wash the smelly bits, if you get my drift. 
Well that's solved that problem then. Well not quite. If the two halves look the same, how do you know which is the one designated for the smelly bits? Erm  I don't know. Could sniff them I suppose. I'm going to have to give this more thought. 
Brainwave, they need to have a mark that identifies which sponge is to be used for the corresponding parts of the body. Of course, why didn't I think of that before. So, with my permanent marker I have solved the problem. It all makes sense to me.

If you have any problems which you are struggling with, just ask me. It might just need a logical brain to come up with the answer. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hairbrained ideas.

Hello. I need to do something with my hair. It's hanging around my face, in my eyes, and annoying me so I clip it up out of the way. I only do this in the house though, it's not really a good style for a 67 year old woman to be showing off  walking around the streets. 
Wondering what to do next. It definitely needs a trim, but I am not keen on the mousy brown colour. I think blonde suits me better, or maybe I should go a little bit red, like the pic on the sidebar. I quite like that colour. Maybe I should go completely whacky bonkers and have it multicoloured. Or shave it off. Or be a punk. Or have a perm. I will think about it.  
I did my walk in the dark tonight, I wanted to see the big bright and shiny super moon. I caught a fleeting glimpse as it emerged briefly from behind the clouds. It was only a second or two. Bit disappointing really.

I'm going to watch a bit of tele now on yoootooob. Don't watch BBC iplayer any more, don't have a licence. Found some interesting programmes on Channel 4od yesterday. Three Grayson Perry programmes, watched them back to back while I was sewing.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Watch fireworks from your armchair

No need to go outside in the cold tonight to watch fireworks, stay snug and warm in your own house and watch this. They know how to do it in Orlando, I was there a while ago, it was chuffin brilliant.

You may wish to turn the sound down a bit, it's very loud.

Have a nice weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip