Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2016

I have walked 500 miles :o)

Hello. We are at the halfway stage of the Walk 1000 miles in one Year challenge, and I'm chuffed to say, I have made the 500. My size five feet with knobbly bunions have suffered no harm at all. The trainers are comfy, even better because they were free, no muscle ache, no blisters, and I am feeling just hunkydory.  
This is how I record my miles. I have a two and a three mile set route. I write daily in the bottom corners of my calendar. On the left, how many I did that day, a cross if none, and the total on the right. I had five no walking days in June. I try not to miss too many as it's hard to catch up. I like to see the numbers rising, a bit like the watching the numbers on my bank statements. Up up up, more miles and more money saved, ha ha.

How are you all doing? I shall expect all members of the walking group to send in their mileage so I can update the walking page. Even if you are lagging behind a bit it's better to do some walking than none at all. Do not despair, do not give up, you owe it to yourself to look after your body and keep fit.

The next six months start tomorrow. It's built into my daily routine now, only 50 minutes to do the three miles. I don't count my normal daily walking, you can do if you walk a lot in your job, I set aside time for walking. and fit it in with whatever I am doing.

I'll leave you with The Proclaimers for a bit of inspiration.

Thanks for popping in. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Friday, May 13, 2016

A quiet little corner. Ssshhhhhh.

Hello and Good Morning. Let's start the day with a walk on the hills, and in the woods, and down the track, and along the road, and around the fishing pond, and back up the hill. 
I avoid this walk in the winter because of all the mud clinging to my boots. It's not nice to be slipping and sliding about. But now it's a lot drier I will bimble around here in the sunshine. It's on my doorstep so three minutes and I am there. 

Some large trees have been cut up here. It looks as though they might have fallen across the path in high winds, and someone has been along to cut them into smaller chunks and move them to one side. This is also a bridle path so any obstructions would be dangerous to horse riders. I often see hoof marks on the ground.

Past the caravan park and onto the road . Lovely blossoms out at this time of the year.

This building was the offices for the dockyard. Not many boats come in now and the land is used for cement storage and distribution. The office block houses other businesses, see the old anchor embedded into the ground, a relic of the past.

The fishing ponds have changed dramatically over the last two years after a new owner took over and had a big tidying up operation. A machine has been at work taking out all the dead wood. The landscaping has opened it up to make a very pleasant place to walk. New trees have been planted to replace the old.

Climbing back up the hill through along the footpath through the field gives a lovely view over the pond and the river beyond. We get a few visitors from the caravan park, and one or two walkers passing by, but on the whole this is a quiet little haven which only the locals know about. So, sshhhh, don't tell everyone, keep it to yourself, ha ha.

It's looking like a lovely start to the day. It's Friday, so nearly the weekend, have a good one. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Go Ida

Good morning. Here's something inspirational to get you up and running. I've just read in The Times about Ida Keeling, the 100 year old woman who has broken a world record. I gooooglied her and found this on the CSS Sports web site. 

There is a video on yooootooob

She was asked about the secret of her longevity, she said, 'Eat for nutrition, not for taste, exercise at least once a day.'

Good on you Ida, I am working on it.

Catch you later. Toodle pip

Thursday, May 5, 2016

You owe it to yourself to look after you

Hello. I know I bang on a bit about walking, but it is a topic that has the potential of leading everyone to a better, more fitter and healthier lifestyle. For me it is vitally important that I do the best I can for my body, my love of walking benefits me in so many ways. I feel alive when I am outside striding along. I feel connected to nature. I feel like I am oiling my joints, which need movement to slow up the process of seizing up, if I didn't use them. I cannot think of one negative thing about walking, it is so full of positives. 
I am really chuffed that some of you have taken on the 1000 mile walking challenge, Your mileage updates are heartwarming, I am so proud of you for making the effort. 
No matter where you live in the world you can find a place to walk. It might be from your front door, or at a local park, or along a beach, or around the streets if you live in a city or town. All it takes is that commitment and determination that you are going to do the best for your body. 
I really like this walking map of London. Everyone will recognize this as the Underground map. It has the different lines and the stations, and it also has the times it would take you to walk between the stations. If you use this to get to and from work, wouldn't it be a good idea to get off one station early and walk the rest? When I was in London a few years ago I walked everywhere and didn't use buses or the Underground at all. 

I have found an inspiring video on yooootooob, which you might want to look at. It explains all the benefits of walking, not only for your body fitness now, but also also holding back the ravages of old age, and keeping the mind active as well. Have a look if you need some motivation to keep moving.

There is a web site called Everybody Walk as well. It's American based but the message is the same the world over. Lots of videos to get you out of your seat and walking. Walking benefits everyone.

So there you are. The sun is out and I have things to do today, but you can bet your life there will be a walk in there. My own three mile walk, and I am walking Bella the Labradoodle.

Thanks for popping in. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Bus ride to a nice walk

Hello. I decided to turn my three miles into five yesterday, and look at some nice scenery. The bus passes the end of my road just after 12.30, it's a twenty minute ride to another village, and a five mile walk back along paths and tracks. I wasn't at all impressed by the state of the bus, it was filthy. Not just a bit grubby, but months of dust along the window ledges. As I alighted at the turn around point I asked the driver if they employed cleaners. Straight away he said, 'I'm glad you asked that. because we have been telling the boss for ages about this dirty bus, and nothing ever gets done about it.' He asked me to ring the office and complain. I will do tomorrow.
The Village Hall at Whitton was buzzing with people, I forgot that it was St Georges Day until I saw the flag. There he is, sat propped up against the flag pole.  
I know this route off by heart, so no map required. Most of the posts around here have this heart man sign on them. They are designated routes for the community group walks. The Council encourages people to walk for exercise. I need no encouragement.

Wonderful views across the Trent. Usually cows in the field, but none today. The sun was out and I was feeling good.

Well  marked, the path comes up the bank away from the river and continues between a wood and fields.

Looking down into the wood on my right, how disgusting can some people be to dispose of their rubbish in this way. I don't know how they managed to get three large pieces of  bathroom fittings down there. There is no vehicular access, I can only imagine that a farmer has brought these across the field on his tractor. 
I was so bloomin annoyed, I went down into the wood and dragged the pieces up to the footpath and left them in full view of everyone who might pass. Maybe someone will have a twinge of conscience and take them away and dispose of them properly.

It's a nice walk back with good views to enjoy.

The foliage is greening up nicely, and there was the scent of garlic wafting past my nostrils.

Into Alkborough Village, the church is flying the flag of St George.

And the club has the Union Jack flag along the railings.

Oooh look, the cafe is open. I got myself a drink. Good job I remembered to put a few coins in my pocket. 
Someone is watching me, I wonder if it is real, ha ha. Nope, it's wooden. Very realistic though.

Onward towards home. Good views across the river.

This is looking inland, as the river winds it's way towards the docks further upstream. Boats negotiating this stretch of water have to be very careful as there are hidden sandbanks lurking below the surface. It's only passable at certain times when the tide is in. A little bit of cloud coming over now and it's getting a bit chilly, glad it's not much further to go. 
The beacon was lit on Thursday night for the Queen's birthday. Remnants of charred remains lie at the bottom of it. looks like they burnt a pallet and some old furniture.

This used to be a wooden bridge crossing the gully, but they had to change it to metal, because the youths kept breaking it up to put on their bonfire on the picnic area. there is a dog poo bin there, as it's popular with dog walkers around here. I would imagine most dogs would go off into the woods to do their business.

So there you are, just under three hours from start to finish including the bus journey. Made a nice change from tramping the streets. Must do it again soon.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Using up the smellies

Hello. I've been on a mission to use up the toiletries that I already have before buying more. The hair conditioner is gone, I used it instead of shampoo. The Value baby shampoo has been used up, and a new bottle of cheap Aldi shampoo is now in use. I could use the bath foam on my hair, but it will get used when I have a bath. I have two deodorants, one given to me by my sister, and the other from a friend, both didn't like them. I don't care, it's all the same to me, I have no particular preference when it comes to under arm spray. 
The Nivea sun lotion is being used as a face moisturizer. I got the Yardley violets spray out of a skip, someone's  house clearance. The Youth Dew perfume is about 35 years old, it doesn't spray very well, that's why it has lasted a long time, ha ha. I don't buy perfume now, I think it was about 35 years ago when I last bought some. The So Soft body oil gets used as a face moisturizer, I don't feel the need to moisturize my whole body. What's the point of scrubbing yourself clean, only to block your pores with gunge. The Baby lotion also gets slapped on my face from time to time, as does the Aloe Vera Jelly. 
I am holding off buying anything new, until I really have to. I use everything sparingly so it lasts ages. I don't need a lot of bottles cluttering up my bathroom cabinet, these few items will last me for a while. 
I've just had a bowl of fabulous soup, and plenty left for tomorrow. I found two packs of celery in the small Tesco yesterday when I popped in on my way back from the council dump. Always worth a look if passing. Aha, celery soup I thought when I saw them. I also threw in a few other bits and bobs which needed using up. Half a dozen mushrooms, half a parsnip, a carrot, a potato, and a handful of spinach. I used six sticks of celery, still plenty left for another batch. Chuck in some spices, simmer for ten minutes, zap with a stick blender.

It was bloomin lovely. I love these chuck it in and see what happens kind of soups.

I did my walk early today, and I have hit the 250 miles, YAY. Trouble is it took me over three hours to do it, ha ha. Paul was in his garden as I passed so I stopped to say hello to him. Then I popped in to see the other Paul, as he was on a late shift. I didn't stop long there as he was watching a film on TV. Then I saw that Phil was in his garden and as I hadn't seen him for ages I stopped to see how he was. He was hobbling because he had missed the step as he was getting out of his lorry, and pulled a muscle in his leg. He said come on in and see Angela, so I did and ended up staying for a coffee, two coffees in fact and some lunch. Angela has a new hobby of painting up old furniture to give it a new lease of life, and she is making a good job of it. I was dead impressed.

Almost the end of the month, are you having one last splurge to top your miles up? Only another nine months to go. You can make a start on the 1st of April if you want to. The next target to work towards is 500 miles at the end of June. Or if you are a late starter try for the 250 miles in three months. Come on, put your best foot forward, you can do it.

The kids are all in for the night, I'll give Heidi her tablet shortly. She has been such a good girl, mostly I get it straight in and she swallows it, sometimes my aim is not so good and she spits it out, ha ha. But whatever happens she is never annoyed with me, always after lots of cuddles.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip