Hello. Isn't it amazing that a simple code can identify one little video on yooootoooob among the millions that are published every day. This has taken ages to upload, it's a bit too long really, I maybe ought to set a timer when I start talking because I do waffle on a bit.
I have had requests for more videos, I think people like my waffling. These money saving tips have already been covered in previous posts, but maybe a reminder is needed to keep you all on the road to frugal living.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
I have had requests for more videos, I think people like my waffling. These money saving tips have already been covered in previous posts, but maybe a reminder is needed to keep you all on the road to frugal living.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
Getting more for your money.