Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2017

Save money on your alcohol.

Hello. I buy a four pack of cider from Aldi for about £2, probably every four to six weeks. The pear cider is very nice. I drink very little alcohol and regard it as a treat. The cider can sit in my cupboard for ages, I only drink it when I fancy it, not because it's there. So, this post is about how you can save money on your alcohol. 
This secret I will share with you in the form of a short video, so take a look if you are spending too much on your booze. You will also find there are health benefits if you adopt my method.

My dinner yesterday was a bit of this and a bit of that. A mixed bag. I don't care if these foods are not normally served on the same plate, my meals are whatever I have in, mix and match. I bought a lettuce on a yellow sticker for 14p. The last of the cottage cheese which was ten days out of date. The last of the pasta salad also ten days out of date. A few mushrooms from a normal price punnet. One spud in the microwave, from a big bag. Two Lincolnshire style veggie sausages. Plus a dollop of mayo. It was bloomin lovely. 
Thank you very much for your comments on Sam's post yesterday. I haven't had an email from him yet, so maybe he doesn't get online every day.

Crafty Club this morning was good, another new lady started. It's cold out but I have done my three mile walk. I managed to get one in last night after it finally stopped raining.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Thursday, February 2, 2017

A pussy story

Hello. I've just been out for a second walk tonight. It's very windy, but dry, I quite like walking in the wind. There are a lot of comments from you, with your mileage, that's great. I'm chuffed that you are doing so well. Anyone who hasn't yet checked in can do so at any time, just go back to that same post on the 1st of February, then it's all in one place. 
Oh dear, someone was a little too enthusiastic covering up in the litter boxes yesterday. Heidi uses them, usually does a poo in one, then goes into the other one for a pee. Sometimes Mayze might do something in one, but she mainly goes outside. 
Oh dear, even more mess today. She has stood on the side of it at one and and her weight has flipped it up. Best get the dyson out.

I am eating plenty of eggs this week, managed to get two boxes half price from the £1 shop.

I was over the other side of town on Tuesday so I called in at Morrisons to check for yellow stickers. here are some of the items I was lucky enough to find. I got quite a lot for my £5.35. The Naked smoothie is very nice, but I wouldn't pay £2.32 for it.

I've just been reading that there is a shortage of fresh fruit and veg in the supermarkets and they are rationing some items to two or three per person. Prices have gone up as well. It's all down to bad weather in European countries. I suppose the story will trigger panic buying now.

Feeling a bit tired, I'm off to bed now. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How I make coffee in the microwave

Hello. It's been ages since I made a video, thought it was about time for another one. It has been reported in various newspaper articles, and I might have mentioned it on here, that I heat the water for my morning mug of coffee in a microwave. This declaration usually brings comments on how dangerous the practice is, and that it should never be attempted. Something about the microwave blowing up, or the mug breaking and boiling water gushing everywhere. 
I should explain the reason why I do it this way. My electric kettle has an element in the bottom. It takes two mugs of water to cover it. I only want one mug of coffee, it is the only one I have all day, so I don't want to save a mug of hot water in a flask because it will not get used. I understand that a maximum of two minutes in a microwave is cheaper than boiling a kettle. There is also an added bonus that the mug gets heated as well as the water, so the drink will not cool down as quickly as pouring it in a cold mug. 
My instructions for making coffee of the instant variety in a microwave. 
Check that the mug is microwavable, label on the bottom. Fill mug with cold water, not quite to the top, about an inch short.
Place in microwave and turn on. Don't bother with the timer, you need to estimate how long it needs, around 30-40 seconds. Do not walk away, wait for it.

Remove from microwave, it will be luke warm. Add instant coffee, sugar, and powdered milk. That's not tea by the way, it's where I keep the Coffee Mate. I have one spoon of each. If you want to use fresh milk put slightly less water in it and top up with milk. stir it, sip it to see how warm it is and put it back in the microwave.

Give it another 30-40 seconds, stay with it, you don't want it to boil over. Count to ten if you like. Remove from microwave and check it is the right temperature by sipping it. If it is still not hot enough give it another 10 seconds. Notice that the microwave hasn't blown up, and the mug is not broken. Perfect mug of hot coffee.

A video I made earlier. Oooops, don't laugh when I drop the container. I have been doing it this way for a long time, and I reckon over the years it has saved me a bit of money on the electricity bill. Please excuse the echoey sound, my kitchen is quite big and I don't have any clutter in it.

Anyone else do it like this? Or are you going to have a go? Thanks for popping in' we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mucky boots.

Hello. Fancied something different for my breakfast this morning, rather than the usual bran flakes, ground nuts, seeds, and fruit, and a banana. Twas half a tin of Value baked beans, 12p, two scrambled eggs, 28p, and two slices of seeded bread, 14p. Filled me up a treat, had a late lunch because I was still full at 1pm. 
Weather is still a bit murky, though not raining. I got my walk done before lunch today, and went a different route. The farmers are getting in the sugar beet. Two tractors trundling up and down the track and tipping them onto this pile.

I watched for a few minutes. I had a job once driving tractors through an auction, it was hilarious. I like tractors. I like JCB's as well. I had a go once at driving one at the JCB test site at Ashbourne in Derbyshire, they don't half bounce around. I imagine the suspension must have improved a lot since then.

Clever how that machine scoops up the roots and discards the tops of the plants. Wouldn't mind having a play with that monster. 

Coming back for another load, best get out the way.

 Oh heck, stuck up to the eyeballs in mud.

Moving on. Money saving tip. Are you coming to the end of your toothpaste? I bought the Colgate for 50p ages ago from Poundstretcher, it was on offer. It has lasted a while, I only put a squidgen on my brush, hate having a frothy mouth. Anyway, the new tube is a Tesco Value one, only 25p. It might be cheap but it has all the ingredients needed to clean teeth, and is accredited by the International Dental Health Foundation. I have used it in the past, it's perfectly fine, and the minty taste is not too strong, which I like. Give it a go, no need to pay silly prices for toothpaste.

Think that's about it. I'm making some more shopping bags, always something to do.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Just popping in.

Hello, howz ya doin. I'm just out of the bath, sweet smelling and scrubbed. 
I have an idea for the next picture, fragments of fabric laid out on a backing. There will be a lot of stitching.Who knows how it will end up. Something will happen as I am working on it. 
A 'no cook' dinner from yesterday. Love the mushroom pasta with pine nuts. Watercress, iceberg lettuce and potato salad. Quick and easy. 
And the dinner today was similar, two boiled eggs and broad bean and mint houmous. Delishus.

I did three hours of walking today, my three mile route three times, back to back. I felt like I wanted to do a bit extra, and set aside the afternoon for it, 2pm to 5pm. I think I might do that again.

Just a quick one tonight. Bugsy is wanting my attention, he can't get settled. He's been off his food again.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon
Toodle pip.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Slashing the grocery bill

Hello me hearties. It's a bright sunny morning, makes me want to go out. Makes me think of all those lovely walks I am going to do this year. I've got a spring in my step. 
My yellow sticker dash last night proved very fruitful, I got £24.82's worth of food for £6.20. Howzat for money saving. This little lot will last me a couple of weeks, along with other bits and bobs I bought, till receipt at the bottom. Quite a bit spent was for the cats, mainly Bugsy and his treats. 
There's diced onions, broccoli, cauliflower, spring onions, carrots, potatoes, rice noodles, egg noodles,  houmous, salad leaves, potato salad, watercress, mushroom pasta, brussels sprouts, pancakes, and a 30p cake. Gotta have a treat. 75% off most things. Of course a lot of it won't need cooking so a saving on gas will be made as well.
Everything here is all out of date as from midnight last night. I shall inspect my fridge 2 or 3 times a day, and will eat what will go off the quickest, first. After all the salady stuff, if I think I might not be able to eat the rest in time, I will cook the veg up into stews and freeze in margarine tubs. These are my ready meals.  

Yes, there's a bottle of plonk there, I am not doing dry January, my alcohol intake is very low, one bottle every 3 - 4 weeks, so why should I deprive myself of that. This weekend is Wine Weekend, the bottle will last four days. The meaty items and tuna, along with the cat food are treats for Bugsy.

This yellow sticker dash seems to be turning into a monthly ritual. In between times I sometimes pick up a bit from Aldi if I am in town, and buy a few items from the Discount stores, B & M, Home Bargains, and Poundstretcher. Occasionally I will call into the small Asda which is within walking distance, if I have 20 minutes to spare, and I will pick up a few oddments from the Cash and Carry as I drive past there on my way to town. Keeping my food bill low is really easy, I have it all organized, I know where to shop within my budget.

The places I don't go are Sainsburys, and Marks and Sparks,  far too expensive. Morrisons is at the other end of town so is the big Asda, I have no need to drive that far. I have looked in Farmfoods, the mainly freezer place, they don't have much that I would actually eat. We get a leaflet through the door every so often, there was only frozen veg and Quorn that I would actually eat, all the rest is processed, ready meals, full of sugar, junk. No thanks.

Anyway, I'm sure you have your favourite foods and places to shop, which will be different from mine, according to how many you shop for and what the rest of your family eat. I must say, shopping for one is very easy.

I'm off out now. Too nice to be in. Thanks for popping in, have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip

Monday, January 2, 2017

Eight years old today.

Well hello, how are you, welcome, come on in. We have a little celebration going on, the 2nd of January is the anniversary of the very first blog post, eight years ago, so Happy Birthday blog. 
After an operation when I was 59 I had 12 weeks off to recover, and when I was ready to go back to work, they announced they were closing the depot. I didn't have a job to go back to. And so I became unemployed. I didn't have much money because I had been reducing my hours at work, which reduced my pay. I had also been living on a pittance, my JSA had been reduced because I was receiving a little bit of insurance money. Those were hard times, but some of it was of my making because I scaled back the driving. It was just unfortunate that I had to take sick leave for a while. 
So this blog was started in the January, and I survived on little money until my 60th birthday in May. It was a big sigh of relief when my pension kicked in. Things are much improved now, my thriftyness and penny pinching has helped me to pay off my mortgage, change my car twice, and have holidays and days out. Now I am ticking over nicely living within my means, and happy with my lot.  
I think I have had all the mileage updates for the 2016 walking challenge. Counting up, 21 people have passed the 1000 mile mark. I think that's bloomin great, you should all be proud of yourselves. Some of you have come very close to it, also a great achievement, and a lot of you have done so well by sticking with it. As I always say, having a go and doing what you can, is better than sitting on your bum and doing nothing. So well done everyone. 
The challenge was not a competition, not a race, but I've picked out two names at random for a prize. So step forward Helen D and Vicki. Big cheer. Send me your addresses and I'll send you a little surprise in the post. 
Up to now there are 50 names on the list for 2017. Wouldn't it be good if we could get half of them to the 1000 mile mark. It would be chuffin great. 25 people fitter than when they started at the beginning. I know December is a long way off, but as you can see, it is achievable Good luck everyone. 
Right, what's next. My lunch yesterday. Not much food left in the fridge. A spud in the microwave, grated cheese, a tomato, and sliced beetroot. A nice simple cheap meal. 
 The other day I made this, enough for two days of lunch and dinner. Two smallish onions chopped, handful of Quorn pieces, carrots, Brussels Sprouts, frozen broad beans, sweetcorn, and frozen cranberries. Start it off with a slug of oil, add water and splash of fruit juice. Curry powder, turmeric, vegetable granules, coriander, Danish blue cheese, and cream cheese. Simmer till veg is soft, add water if needed.

I cooked plenty of wholemeal pasta, enough for three meals, and the fourth portion was a topping on a microwaved spud. I didn't bother freezing it, kept it in the fridge, and microwaved it before eating. My goodness it was ever so tasty. I will need to go shopping at some point this week, seems like ages since I last went to the shops. Not much left in the fridge.

Find the cat. Heidi has a new hidey hole, ha ha. Isn't it funny, just when you think they have found the ideal place, they move on to somewhere else.

That's it, all blogged out, nowt else left to say. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip