Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How I make coffee in the microwave

Hello. It's been ages since I made a video, thought it was about time for another one. It has been reported in various newspaper articles, and I might have mentioned it on here, that I heat the water for my morning mug of coffee in a microwave. This declaration usually brings comments on how dangerous the practice is, and that it should never be attempted. Something about the microwave blowing up, or the mug breaking and boiling water gushing everywhere. 
I should explain the reason why I do it this way. My electric kettle has an element in the bottom. It takes two mugs of water to cover it. I only want one mug of coffee, it is the only one I have all day, so I don't want to save a mug of hot water in a flask because it will not get used. I understand that a maximum of two minutes in a microwave is cheaper than boiling a kettle. There is also an added bonus that the mug gets heated as well as the water, so the drink will not cool down as quickly as pouring it in a cold mug. 
My instructions for making coffee of the instant variety in a microwave. 
Check that the mug is microwavable, label on the bottom. Fill mug with cold water, not quite to the top, about an inch short.
Place in microwave and turn on. Don't bother with the timer, you need to estimate how long it needs, around 30-40 seconds. Do not walk away, wait for it.

Remove from microwave, it will be luke warm. Add instant coffee, sugar, and powdered milk. That's not tea by the way, it's where I keep the Coffee Mate. I have one spoon of each. If you want to use fresh milk put slightly less water in it and top up with milk. stir it, sip it to see how warm it is and put it back in the microwave.

Give it another 30-40 seconds, stay with it, you don't want it to boil over. Count to ten if you like. Remove from microwave and check it is the right temperature by sipping it. If it is still not hot enough give it another 10 seconds. Notice that the microwave hasn't blown up, and the mug is not broken. Perfect mug of hot coffee.

A video I made earlier. Oooops, don't laugh when I drop the container. I have been doing it this way for a long time, and I reckon over the years it has saved me a bit of money on the electricity bill. Please excuse the echoey sound, my kitchen is quite big and I don't have any clutter in it.

Anyone else do it like this? Or are you going to have a go? Thanks for popping in' we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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How I make coffee in the microwave
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