Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dump the junk.

Dump the junk.

Hello. There were a few questions on my diet, snacking, and size, yesterday which I will answer here. Thank you to the readers who asked.

Have I always been slim? I was a skinny kid and a skinny teenager which stayed the same well into my late twenties. I did put on some weight after that due to eating crappy snacks while out driving a truck. In the early days I didn't do packups, that was my downfall, I went in shops and bought crisps, pop, biscuits, and chocolates. I wasn't very organized then due to working 12 hour days. One thing I never did was to pull in a cafe and have a truckers breakfast like many of my male counterparts did. I'm sure later many of them would come to regret that. At one point I was approaching 11 stone, which worried me, because my clothes were getting too tight. My skin was horrible too, sallow and spotty. Eventually I saw the light and thought this can't go on, I have to take my own food with me. Thankfully I lost a few pounds. I have never consciously dieted.

My weight dropped a bit too low when they found a large cyst on my right ovary at age 59. I was concerned that I was becoming very skinny. Thankfully after an operation to remove it, I gained a bit of weight to a more healthy level, and I have been able to maintain that.

Do I snack between meals? Most of the time I don't feel the need to because I try to eat only when I'm hungry. I don't snack for the sake of snacking, just because it's there. Snacks to me are a treat, only to be eaten on odd occasions. My meals are substantial enough to keep me going. I know people say watch your portion size if you are trying to lose weight, but I say you can eat as much as you like if it is not 'bad' food. Look how I pile my plate high with vegetables and salad. I do believe all the accompaniments that go with meals bump up the calories. Gravy, sauces, pastry, dumplings, Yorkshire puddings, all not necessary. And if you have to eat meat only go for the leanest, smallest piece you can find. Avoid fatty cheap cuts, avoid sausages, and avoid any processed frozen pies and pasties. In fact I believe all meat is bad for you, but I am not going to get into the veggie v carnivore argument, it's all been said before.

I have to admit to opening the fridge door and having a couple of cream crackers with cheese. I might have a yogurt, or a banana to keep me going. I might have a single slice of seeded bread with a smear of lemon curd. Or I might have half a tin of rice pudding. I quite often bring a meal forward an hour if I am feeling hungry, or delay a meal if I am still slightly full from the last one. Mealtimes are not set in stone here. As regards snacking, there is so much crap out there, it makes shopping a lot easier if you avoid going down those aisles anyway.

Do I consciously watch what I eat? Yes, I do. I am always aware of what I am putting into my mouth. I know in my mind what is good food and what is bad. I don't go out very much socially so I am not drawn into eating with other people. I don't believe you have to have a starter and a pudding with a meal, just the meal is enough for me. And as for a cheese board, that's plain daft. If I am caught out feeling a bit peckish while I am out, I will look for the smallest snack I can find. They have a small nutty bar in B & M for 19p. I don't have a coffee and cake while I'm out, too many calories. I never have takeaways, never go into burger bars and suchlike. I have been known to hurry back home because I need to eat.

Can we have a more detailed recipe for the veg and blue cheese concoction? I usually start off a meal like that in a medium size pan with chopped onion, mushrooms, and spinach. Soften in a spoon of oil. Then I add whatever vegetables I need to use up, chopped small to reduce cooking time. Throw in any spices I have, then add fruit juice and/or water or both, simmer till soft, add cheese before serving. That's about it, I make it up as I go along.

Is there any hope for the rest of us? Certainly is. If you are not under the doctor for any underlying medical problems then there is no reason why carefully monitoring your diet should not bring about an improvement in health. In fact I believe a poor diet often contributes to health problems. It's all down to what you put in your mouth, and of course getting enough exercise.

Thank you for your questions. I'll get off now, my stomach is telling me to eat.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Monday, December 19, 2016

Crafty Club Christmas Tree.

Hello. I remembered to take my camera with me this morning to Crafty Club, and called in at the church on the way to get a few snaps of our tree. Eeeee, it does look grand. I think it is better than the conventional tinsel adorned artificial tree they have on display at the front of the church. You can't beat hand made. 
There is a children's party on Thursday and they have a competition to name ten of the decorations on our tree. 

We were a bit short on numbers this morning, people have other things to do on the run up to Christmas. We are not meeting again until the second week in January because the next two Mondays are Bank Holidays.

Several people have asked about doing the 1000 mile walking challenge next year. I have already mentioned that I will not be making a separate page to log the monthly miles, however, in view of people's interest in the challenge I am willing to give everyone a day a month to log their own miles in a monthly comment. Therefore it is up to you to keep track of where you are, but everyone can see it.

So, starting on January 1st you can register your name as a participant. and on the 1st of every month you check in with your mileage. Note, there are people with the same name, please add something to your name to make it different from the others. Please try and stick to this plan because then it is a group effort and everyone can support each other. You can comment on your walking at any time of the month, but it would be better if you logged your mileage on the 1st, then everyone is in the same blog post.

Basically, I am not going to hold your hand, you need to do it for you. I will be there to urge you to keep going, and to encourage you. I want to see those number increase month by month. It's up to you how you do it, long walks, short walks, and how you check your own progress. Whether you use an electronic gadget, or use a site like bikehike. you check your own miles.

People start New Year Resolutions with good intentions, but run out of steam part way through the year. If there is a good reason why you physically can't do it, don't worry. Maybe you could scale it down and find an exercise plan a bit easier. If there is nothing physically preventing you from walking then get off your bum and make the effort. 2.73 miles a day can be done in just under an hour. Remember, you are doing it for you, for your health, not for me or anyone else. Best of luck.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

On yer bike

Howdy. The fabric below is from two single beds, washed and ironed. The two larger pieces are from the top, and the smaller pieces are from the sides. Sadly the smaller pieces haven't come out as clean as they should be so won't be suitable for sewing, they will be best used for cleaning cloths. I will find a use for the bigger pieces, maybe they will be turned into cushion covers. 
Did you know that one of our readers is an amazing cyclist, she has been all over Europe on her bike. Brenda writes a blog about her cycling trips, and her fabulous quilting. She set herself a goal of 4000 miles for 2016, and she has cracked it. While we have been walking, Brenda has been cycling, in all weathers, such is her dedication. Well done Brenda. You can read all about her adventures here.

Today I thought about a cycling challenge for myself, perhaps I ought to get on my bike. So here I am having a practice ride. Pump up the tyres, put the front mudguard back on as it fell off ages ago, yellow vest, and elastic bands around my ankles to keep my jog bottoms from getting stuck in the chain. I called in at Paul's house to ask him the best place to buy a helmet, he laughed and said I look like a bin man. Cheek, just because he has got all the right gear.  I stopped by the library van and I got Stan to take my photo. Do I really look like a bin man?

I've been on and worked out a ten mile route. I might do a test ride tomorrow if the weather is dry and not frosty,  to see how long it takes me. If I am going to do this daily, I don't want it to take up more than an hour. Blimey, I'm going to have to pedal pretty fast to do it.

Ginger Bugsy has been to the vet today, he has been off his food for a couple of days. It seems his kidneys are in decline, as he has been drinking a lot. He's had an antibiotic injection to give him a bit of a boost, hope this will stimulate him to eat. It must have had some effect because he was yelling for food when we got back. Lucky that I called in at the small Tesco and picked up a pack of sliced chicken for him, along with some yellow stickers for me. Broccoli, potato salad, and radishes. Bugsy is now snoozing peacefully in front of me.

A parcel arrived today, one of our lovely readers sent me a box with all kinds of crafting type goodies in it. I had fun sorting through everything, Christmas come early. Thank you lovely reader, you are so kind. The thermals will come in very handy, will be able to wear them under my cycling clobber.

Thank you for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Monday, November 28, 2016

Almost there, keep walking to keep fit

Almost there, keep walking to keep fit

Hello. With only a month to go to the end of the challenge, I've just been checking the state of play on our Walking Group page. I am really chuffed that so many of you have done so well. To be honest I thought more would have dropped out, but I'm pleased to say that a great many of you have stuck it out and are still soldiering on.

Everyone walks at their own pace so it's not fair to say some have done better than others. You can only do what you can do. I always say as long as you can do some walking, it's better than none.

I'm going to put a few names on this post of those who have really pulled out all the stops. Indeed, some of you have finished well before the time. The finishing line is midnight on December the 31st, so if you have already passed the 1000 miles, you can relax and do no more, or you can carry on for your grand total.

These are the figures which came in at the end of October, (except mine which is up to date), so they will be higher now if you are still walking.

Take a bow......
JILL 1018

Coming up close behind almost there.......
ILONA  948
HELEN D  948 km
HILDE  943
HAZEL  916

Keep going ladies, last push......
JULES  859
SALLY C  808

Please check the Walking page to see your mileage if your name is not here.

You may remember that I started on December the 1st last year as a trial. So with that 75 miles, I have gone over the 1000, but I will carry on to the end of the year, just to keep you company, and to cheer you on. Come on ladies, you can do it.

People have asked, what next. I haven't decided what I am going to do yet, I might think of another challenge or I might carry on with this. Whatever I do it will include some form of exercise, as I feel it is important to look after my body for life, not just for one year. I won't be making another walking group page for 2017, but I hope that some of you will continue the good work you have already started and record your own mileage.

If you feel you would like support, you could register with the Country Walking magazine challenge where you will be able to keep track of your own mileage and chat with like minded people. This is the link to their site.  Another option is to join the Walking Forum, of which I am a member, and put your name down on their list. Then it's up to you to update your own mileage by going to the thread, quoting the list, then adding your new miles, and posting it back on. I have been updating mine here. The thread is in Long Distance Walks.

It's been a long walk, but we are not far off now, everyone should be proud of what they have achieved.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Yet another bimble in Yorkshire

Hello. Here we go with day three, the last day at Helmsley. I checked out of my room, after another gut busting breakfast. I left my car there and set off out of the town past the cemetery,. through a couple of fields, and up into Ash Dale. This is part of the 48 mile long Tabular Hills Walk which links Helmsley with Scarborough. It was a wide track along the bottom of a valley with tall trees either side. A lovely start to the walk. 
 Two miles further on is a junction where I turned right onto Keld Lane, a wide track.

This came out on a road near the village of Carlton. It amused me to see the notice warning of free range children.

I thought I would check out the church while I was there, it looks pretty. I was about to walk up to the door and see if it was unlocked, then I noticed the sign outside. There was a car parked outside, I thought it might be a caretaker or gardener.

Oh, it is no longer a church, it's a holiday let. There must be someone staying there then. 
Around the other side was a great ugly box thing stuck to the wall. It looks like a shipping container, or a portacabin. What a monstrous carbuncle that is. I caught a glimpse of kitchen units through the window. It completely ruins the look of the place, and the garden around it looks like a building site. All this is visible from the road. If you are interested in finding out more, look at the web site.  
After a chat to a couple of walkers who had stopped for a drink, I set off again up the road and turned right up a track to Riccal Dale Wood. The views of the rolling hills and fields was lovely.

Just after Cowhouse Bank Farm I took a path on the left, there was a bridge over a ford.

On the map this place is called Old Fold. It's a cute little cottage which looks like it has been abandoned, probably not all that long ago, it looks repairable. Such a shame.

Now some giant ferns to wade through.

It was at this point that I turned round and started to go back. Time was getting on and I wanted to be back at the car for between three and four. According to the map this is Cowhouse Bank Wood, lots of trees have been cut down. It was starting to get a bit windy, good job I had some extra clothes with me. I put a skirt on over my shorts to keep my knees warm, and a fleece body warmer.

I got back on the road after Cowhouse Bank and stayed on the road, through Carlton, back to Helmsley arriving at 3.30pm. Just right.

Here is a not very good photo of my map. It's an OS Explorer map number OL26,  1:25 scale. I did the pink walk on Wednesday, the orange one on Thursday, and the green one on Friday. Two days of 11 miles each, and one of 14 miles. I'm happy with 36 miles to add to my walking total challenge. The yellow line is from a previous visit, that one was 17 miles.
I think I need to explore some new areas now, my Yorkshire and Lincolnshire maps are full of coloured lines.

Not much done today, a quick trip to town, wasn't in the mood for shopping. Getting dark already, I'll get the cats in, and read the Times newspapers that my friend passes on to me. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Friday, September 9, 2016

Another bimble in Yorkshire

Hello. Let's have another go then, gawd knows what happened there. Back on the big computer at home. Yesterday, what was I doing yesterday, oh I remember. After a hearty breakfast I took a few snaps in the town before I set off. There aren't many flowers left now, just a few tubs here and there. 
The market square was beginning to fill up with cars.

Not sure what this building is, I think it's a private residence. Doesn't it look lovely. 

This house is next to the church. 

There are lots of small independent retailers in the town, they all make an effort to decorate their shop fronts. If you want to see more pics of Helmsley you can see them on my previous post. It's six years since I was last there.

I set off on the Cleveland Way footpath, from the car park opposite the church. It's well signposted, I have done some of this path before. A few others had the same idea, there seems to be quite a few ramblers of middle age, they probably wait until the kids have gone back to school before they take their holiday. 
I got chatting to an elderly gentleman who had his dog with him, we walked together for a while. This is Rievaulx Bridge, crossing the River Rye.

A few minutes up the road is Rievaulx Abbey. I mentioned this before, it is English Heritage managed and it costs £8.80 to get in. We didn't bother. This is about the best angle to get a pic from the road.

We said our goodbyes and he set off back to Helmsley, and I carried on along the Cleveland Way. I found several fields with bulls in them, good job I didn't have to cross any of them. These chaps look kind of scary, I wouldn't want to upset any of them. 
Further along past Ashberry Farm and Hagg Hall there were four large ponds, I could hear the ducks chuckling away. At the end of the ponds I found some stepping stones across a boggy bit which would take me to the other side of the ponds to get a better view.

It was a fabulous sight, thousands of them, some sunning themselves on the banks, and some chattering away to each other in the water.

The path came out of the woods and across fields to Cold Kirby. It was time to start making my way back, so I took the road to Old Byland and eventually back into the woods again. I thought it was a bit strange to build this shelter in the middle of no where. It's quite a trek to carry picnic supplies out here if you are having a party. 
There is seating all around, with barbecue equipment in the centre. A gas bottle is needed to do the cooking.

From then on it was a matter of getting back on the Cleveland Way and head back. There is a castle in Helmsley, again a bit pricey to get in to see it. This is the best photo I could get, from outside the perimeter wall. Doesn't look like there is much left.

This walk was 14 miles, so that will do nicely.
I'm going to have to go now, bed is calling me. I'll post part 3 tomorrow.
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Friday, July 1, 2016

Walking Group update

Walking Group update

Hello. Tonight I have updated 18 names on the Walking Group page. Thank you to...
Lisa, Vickey, Laura, Jill, Vampire Heart, Hazel, Hilde, Ellen Anderson, Amy Florida, Cherie, Gillie, Sally C, Julie, Sue G, Jules, and momsav.

Susan q I don't have any previous miles for you. I have a Susan from Massachusetts. I have added you to the bottom of the list,  let me know if you are the same person and I will add your 577 to this record.  Thanks.

e, I don't have any previous miles for you. I have added you to the bottom of the list.

If you send your comment to the Walking Page it won't show on the list, but I will still get it. I click publish after I have written it down in my notebook and it stays in my published folder, but for some reason it will not allow any more comments on that page. If you want to see confirmation that your mileage has arrived, best send it to the normal blog post of that day.

Some good mileages are coming in, I'm pleased that you are all making an effort, you should be proud of yourselves. Carry on walking ladies, you're doing just great.
Toodle pip