Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Visit to a hedgehog hospital

Hello. Here is the hedgehog story I mentioned. Last week I went with Helen to a local hedgehog rescue, she is writing an article about it for her village newsletter. It is in the countryside surrounded by woods and fields, a lovely location, and run by Frank and Veronica from their bungalow, with their volunteers to help out as well. Their passion began when they took in three baby hedgehogs and contacted Elaine Drewry from Hedgehog Care, who explained how to look after them. They had to be fed every three hours.
Frank and veronica moved to Appleby and kept in touch with Elaine. Their dedication and passion for hedgehogs continued to grow. They now have two intensive care wards, which are the kitchen and spare room, an A & E department which is a shed donated to them, and the outdoor facility is where the hedgehogs go when they have made good progress to get them ready for release. 
While we were there a hedgehog was delivered to the rescue. It had been found wandering on a busy road. They are not supposed to be out during daylight hours, so if any are found it means they are often poorly and need taking care of. If you find one check with your local vet for the best place to take it.  
This one was given the name Alan, it's a boy, he was weighed, and put into a clean pen with bedding and covered up. Food and water was put in for him.

Frank showed us around, first the A & E department. The patients in here are checked regularly.

 This one had a lot of poo stuck to it, Frank carefully removed it with a piece of kitchen towel.

The storage shed.
New hutches which are full with residents at the moment, all asleep.

 The outdoor area where the hedgehogs get acclimatized to the weather before being released. There are several different sites around the country which are used. After being transported in cat boxes to the location they are put into the wood during daylight hours and later on when it is dark food is put outside and the doors opened. Hedgehogs come out, eat, then hopefully wander off into the woods and freedom.

Alan in the kitchen has come out from his under his blanket to explore and is curious about what is in his food dish.

The hospital is named after Andrew, a hedgehog which was found on a hot summers day in a car park. After a check up by a vet, he was found to be blind, and so will live out his life in care at the hospital.

Here is a link to the web site. Frank and Veronica are coming towards the time they want to retire, Frank is nearly eighty. They have plans for a brand new hospital and are working towards the time when they can hand it over to the next generation of carers. Frank is keen to keep it going, and to be honest I can see him always looking after hedgehogs, even on a foster carer basis.

This is one charity that I am going to keep my eye on, and help in any small way I can.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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Visit to a hedgehog hospital
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