Monday, April 17, 2017

No instructions, make it up

Hello. It's been a nice day here today, mostly sunshine with a little bit of cloud. The light mornings are getting earlier so I am getting up earlier. I love the mornings. I'm changing my routine a bit as well, instead of having a coffee then putting on the computer, I am now doing my three miles after the coffee and bun. The morning air is really fresh. 
I decided to stay around the house and do a bit in the garden today. I have an idea for a garden sculpture, I can picture it in my mind, but not really sure how to put it together. This new table is very handy for outdoor projects. 
I have gathered a few pieces of wood together. The whole thing will be painted, but not sure if I should paint first and screw together after. That pink looks nice. 
Maybe I should screw together first because some of the paint could get damaged if I screwed after painting. Not sure if this is going to work. It will take a while, I need to think of a plan.

Two walks done today, I did a second one this afternoon. I am making a new page for the blog, it will have pictures of my arts and crafts. Another job that will take a while, I have lots of pictures. My picture filing system is not great. I will get there eventually.

That's the holidays over, I hope you had a good one. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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No instructions, make it up
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