Thursday, April 6, 2017

Get off ya bum

Good morning. I am getting into the habit of having an hour on the computer while eating breakfast, and if it is sunny, I then switch off and get on with other things. Today is looking promising, sunshine all around. I have a quick look at the papers, a flit around the forums, a peek at the blogs, and a nosy at the tweets and facebook.

You might get get fed up of me going on about healthy eating and walking, I do witter on a bit, but every so often I read an article which I totally agree with. I've watched quite a few of Dr Michael Mosley's programmes, he talks good sense. This article caught my attention in the Daily Wail this morning. You have to skim through a lot of headlines to find anything useful in that paper. The NHS spends millions fighting type 2 diabetes, when the simple cure is exercise. He urges everyone to get off their backsides.

Yes, you know all about that, but are you doing it? Right now I am going to remove my bum from this chair and get on with being busy. I need to go and pay a bill, I need to collect Heidi's tablets from the vet. I need to buy a few essential items. I need to cut my hair. I need to get a load of washing out on the line.

Have a look at the article while I am busy doing my daily chores, and I'll be back later.
Michael Mosley says get off your backside.

Cheerio. Sees ya later.

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Get off ya bum
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