Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dump it, sell it, or give it away.

Hello. I have stuff that I don't need, stuff that I don't want, I am sorting it into piles, at some point it will leave my house to go onward to the next place. Some of it will go to charity shops, some will be sold on the cat rescue stall, some I will put out on the front with a label on saying free please take, and some will be made into something new and given away. I have stuff scattered on the floor, I have too much.

If you are suffering from an overload of stuff take a look at this video. You may be inspired to take a fresh look at your stuff and decide if you really need to keep it.

On the other hand, you may wish to keep your stuff because you may be able to sell it, car boot sale, ebay or whatever. Thanks to Anon for pointing me in the direction of this web site, Things I find in the Garbage. The writer lives in Montreal, and scavenges through people's rubbish to find things of value that they can sell. There is also a Facebook page.

I'll leave you to sort out your own stuff, I am bagging some of mine up and it will go to the charity shop this afternoon. I have some stored in boxes to sell in June at the Village Fair, and I will keep some things for my arts and crafts.

Have a nice weekend. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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Dump it, sell it, or give it away.
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