Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Roller Coaster.

Hello. It's a good job I haven't had any children, my emotions are all over the place with a poorly cat, imagine what I would be like looking after a human. Bugsy is my baby, I've had him for almost 20 years, there will come a time when he won't be here any more and I have to get used to that.

He hasn't eaten very much for about a week, in fact Janet has had more luck in getting him to eat, than I have. I have offered him all kinds of tasty pussy cat food, fishy and meaty, with gravy and jelly, as well as an assortment of tinned fish, and sliced meat. He has turned his nose up at everything.  Janet texted me while I was away saying he had eaten.

Last night he looked as if he was fading away, and I wondered if he would still be breathing in the morning. I had almost rung the vet a couple of times yesterday but then thought, give it another hour or two, see what happens. So at 11.30pm I went to bed and he was fast asleep on his heated bed.

This morning I crept down in the dark and used a torch to check on him. A sigh of relief, he was still breathing. I let him sleep on and had my coffee in the kitchen. No food had been touched overnight, but in his litter box was a poo. Amazing, he is still able to do a poo, even if he hasn't eaten very much.

The vet suggested we could do blood tests, it might give us some more information of what might be wrong. I had decided because of his age that I didn't want to put him under any stress, so I said no.

This afternoon I moved all the bowls of food away, and brought some fresh Felix in, mashed up in a bowl. He looked interested and went straight to it, and started eating. Amazing, he almost finished it. He seemed to perk up a bit after that, so I rang the vet and said I would go for the blood tests and made an appointment for Thursday morning.

So from thinking he was at deaths door and wouldn't last much longer, I now think he might have a chance. He did eat a little bit more later on, and I am hoping he will have a little bit over night. I am now hopeful that he will still be breathing in the morning.

My goodness anyone who has been on the verge of losing a pet will understand what I am talking about. The questions that go through your head. Is it time? How will I know when it's time? Should I call the vet now or wait a bit? Are they suffering and in pain? Will it be tomorrow or a few more days? You cry, then you stop crying. You talk to them then you cry some more. You watch them, are they still breathing? You think about them lying still and lifeless when they have gone.

I had all this with Rocky and Lilly and Freddie, it doesn't get any easier. Pets are family members, your heart is broken when you lose them.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Making a bespoke notebook cover

Hello. Bugsy cat is looking like one happy and contented cat tonight. He's just eaten one and a half sardines. The vet said to give him smelly food to tempt him so I called in at the shop after I had finished making Santa's Grotto at the Village Hall. We decided to keep the Grotto simple this year, so I covered the two walls in the corner of the entrance hall with white paper and hung tinsel and coloured balls on it. 
I've started a little project to use up some small pieces of cotton fabric. I'm making a cover for a notebook. The red fabric is a piece of bed sheet. Lay the book on the top to mark out the size of the fabric. 
Now I'm covering it with patchwork.  I started it off at Crafty Club on Monday,  hand sewing up to now, but I've started to sew the strips on with the machine. When it is covered I shall add lots of hand stitching over the top of it.

I made extra steamed vegetables last night, and incorporated them into my lunch today. Started off with mushrooms in a pan, almost two weeks out of date, add a chopped onion, a handful of spinach, and some baked beans. Then add the steamed veg.  It was bloomin lovely, filled me up a treat. 
That's another month gone by. If the Walking Group members send in their mileage, I will update the page. I only did two miles today, pacing myself for the final month. I will be doing extra in December, so no need to stick rigidly to my routine.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

On yer bike

Howdy. The fabric below is from two single beds, washed and ironed. The two larger pieces are from the top, and the smaller pieces are from the sides. Sadly the smaller pieces haven't come out as clean as they should be so won't be suitable for sewing, they will be best used for cleaning cloths. I will find a use for the bigger pieces, maybe they will be turned into cushion covers. 
Did you know that one of our readers is an amazing cyclist, she has been all over Europe on her bike. Brenda writes a blog about her cycling trips, and her fabulous quilting. She set herself a goal of 4000 miles for 2016, and she has cracked it. While we have been walking, Brenda has been cycling, in all weathers, such is her dedication. Well done Brenda. You can read all about her adventures here.

Today I thought about a cycling challenge for myself, perhaps I ought to get on my bike. So here I am having a practice ride. Pump up the tyres, put the front mudguard back on as it fell off ages ago, yellow vest, and elastic bands around my ankles to keep my jog bottoms from getting stuck in the chain. I called in at Paul's house to ask him the best place to buy a helmet, he laughed and said I look like a bin man. Cheek, just because he has got all the right gear.  I stopped by the library van and I got Stan to take my photo. Do I really look like a bin man?

I've been on and worked out a ten mile route. I might do a test ride tomorrow if the weather is dry and not frosty,  to see how long it takes me. If I am going to do this daily, I don't want it to take up more than an hour. Blimey, I'm going to have to pedal pretty fast to do it.

Ginger Bugsy has been to the vet today, he has been off his food for a couple of days. It seems his kidneys are in decline, as he has been drinking a lot. He's had an antibiotic injection to give him a bit of a boost, hope this will stimulate him to eat. It must have had some effect because he was yelling for food when we got back. Lucky that I called in at the small Tesco and picked up a pack of sliced chicken for him, along with some yellow stickers for me. Broccoli, potato salad, and radishes. Bugsy is now snoozing peacefully in front of me.

A parcel arrived today, one of our lovely readers sent me a box with all kinds of crafting type goodies in it. I had fun sorting through everything, Christmas come early. Thank you lovely reader, you are so kind. The thermals will come in very handy, will be able to wear them under my cycling clobber.

Thank you for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Friday, November 25, 2016

Kitty capers

Hello. So who is going shopping and who isn't? Black, green, yellow, blue, whatever colour it is today won't tempt me to hit the shops. Mind you, I have to confess to spending a little bit in the village shop as I was passing on my walk. The new Stitch Magazine is in, and as it is only £5 every two months, I allow myself that treat. I also wanted a small bottle of milk. But that's it, no more. 
From what I read in the newspapers there hasn't been long queues of people waiting for shops to open, maybe people have got wise to the big con trick, imported from across the pond. Mind you, I always say, if you have enough money and you want to spend it, go ahead, but don't go into debt by borrowing money, it's a slippery slope. I know what I can and can't afford. Watch all the panic posts coming into the MSE forum in the new year. OMG, the credit card bills have come in, I didn't realize I spent so much. No one says you have to join in with Christmas, it is not the law. I refuse to torture myself mooching around shops in a state of befuddlement, wondering what to get for auntie what's her name. I shall be putting some money into envelopes for the children in the family, and that will be it. 
This cat is not my cat, he is called Mickey and he lives a few doors down. That table is a sun trap and he is often found there in the mornings. I think he has the hots for Mayze, or is it Heidi, or maybe he is on the scrounge for any spare food which happens to get thrown out. He is a naughty boy, I have caught him coming through the cat flap, a few times. He can be a bit aggressive as well, hissing when I go to stroke him, so then I shoo him off.   
After breakfast I open the door to let my cats out, if they want to go out. It all depends on the weather. I think they sense when it is dull and miserable, so they stay in bed. This morning it was sunny, so Mayze was keen to go out. She stares at Mickey. I've never seen any fisticuffs but that look says, 'what are you doing here, get off my patch'. I think she is playing hard to get.

Heidi has found herself a new bed. In the evening as I am getting ready for bed, I drape my dressing gown over the banister. It must have fallen off because this is what I found this morning. Why is it that the cats always like to lie on my clothes. I hadn't the heart to move her. I will leave it there until she finds somewhere else to kip. I have three dressing gowns anyway. 
I have just had a super lunch, mushrooms, spinach, eggs, potato salad, and houmous, most of it was yellow sticker food I bought over a week ago. It is still fine to eat. I have some cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli left, which will see me through the weekend.

Hey, the sun is out, I will go into the garden for an hour or two and do some tidying. Nothing growing at the moment, just some dead stuff to collect and put in the bin.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Let's have a catch up.

Hello, I've been AWOL, apologies for my absence. Apart from not having much to say, I've been helping my friend Helen deliver her parish newsletters, and done some Bailey dog walks for Joyce, as she has needed to rest her leg. So all good stuff, lots of walking. 
I didn't see the super moon the other night, but last night there was very little cloud and it lit the back garden up nicely.
This morning it was at the front of the house at 7am, still visible, with a whisp of cloud floating by.

Hey, look what I found. Someone very kindly has bagged up all their spare apples and hung them on the railing for anyone to take. Thank you, I'll have one of those.

 Tonight I've made a big pan of broth and vegetables.

Soaked the Scotch Broth Mix overnight, and added carrots, potatoes, parsnips, an onion, the last bit of broccoli, and two apples. I used half the packet, which was as you can see 50p, it makes four large portions, or five not so large. This will put hairs on my chest, it's lovely, and very cheap. I will eat some more tomorrow, and freeze some.

I had a phone call from a local WI group, asking me to do a frugal money saving talk. I've booked them in for January. I haven't done one for ages, it will make a nice change.

Pussy cat rescue news. Someone contacted us about a stray kitten seen wandering at a caravan park. Sue and Janet went to have a look for it, and found it in a pond. The poor little might was half dead. The man who owned the place waded in and got it out. They had it checked at the vet. Luckily we had a spare pen for it, and now it is being looked after and making progress.

There are some new exhibitions starting soon at the Arts Centre, one of them sounds really good. It's called Radical Craft, Alternative ways of making. There is a tour with the Curator on Saturday, I'll go along to that. Someone has blogged about it here.

Has anyone found the videos by Graeme Stevenson on yoootooob?  He is an artist who travels around chatting to other artists about their work. Claire Bremner produces some stunning work, and demonstrates her techniques as she talks and paints. Have a look if you are an artist, or if you aren't. She makes it look so easy.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Me, the artist :o)

Hello, a quickie tonight, I am falling asleep. I went to the Art Gallery with a couple of friends to the preview of the Open Exhibition. My one picture which was accepted. Sadly I did not win a prize. 
It was great chatting to some of the other artists. I met two people who did not have any pictures accepted, so I suppose I was lucky to get one in. I saw a few people I know, Michael Scrimshaw was there, he is the chappie with the dreadlocks who I go to see at the Ropewalk Open studios every September. The exhibition is on until February.

Heidi had her checkup this morning, the vet was pleased with her blood results. I suggested that we reduce her medication slightly, and Marion said that would be a good idea. So instead of having a full tablet every day, she will have one every alternate day, and half a tablet on the other days. I will monitor her behaviour to make sure she does not become tired.

It's bed time so I'll say goodnight. We'll catch up soon. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy with my bills

Hello me hearties. I haven't got any fresh veg left because I want to eat out of the cupboard and freezer for a few more days. I have plenty in the freezer to keep me going, seems daft to leave it in there forever and a day, it's got to be eaten sometime, might as well be now. 
Frozen chips indeed. Yes I bought a bag of these as something different, can't remember when I last bought them, that long ago I have forgotten. Yes, a bag of potatoes would have been cheaper, but I don't make real chips in a pan at home, I don't have a chip pan, and I'm certainly not doing them in a frying pan on the hob with all that oil spitting all over the place. These oven chips are cooked under the grill, turn once. Half a tin of spag hoops, and two scrambled eggs, my dinner tonight. I just fancied this and it was very nice. 
I am sorting out my spare room, aka the fabric store, plus all manner of stuff I collect because it might come in useful. It's going really well. The ladies at crafty club took some of my excess off me this morning, things I knew I was unlikely to get round to using. I've found some bits for the charity shop as well.

Three bills dropped through my door last week which will be paid tomorrow. I'm not too bothered by regular bills because I know more or less how much money they want from me. I email my gas and electricity readings in monthly, and they use these to calculate an amount. I last emailed on 25th September and the bills were dated 5th October, so there is a bit of a gap there. I see they have estimated what I have used during that gap, and they are pretty close so I am happy to pay them.

I get both gas and electricity from SSE, they are the suppliers, but my account is with Ebico, a not for profit organisation. I have no penalties for paying quarterly, and I have no standing charges. Everyone pays the same price per kwh. So, my gas bill is for £4.04, and my electricity bill is for £36.75. My electricity bill is always more than gas, probably because I have this computer on a lot. It rises slightly in the winter due to lights going on earlier.

My gas bill is obviously low in the summer months because I don't have any heating on. It will go up a bit in the winter. I think it is so low because I have been having a lot of meals which require little or no cooking. A lot of salads, and one pan meals, the shorter the cooking time the cheaper the meals are. Even a pan of veg stew made with fresh veg only takes about ten minutes on the hob, and if I use a big pan to make four portions, three of those will get heated in the microwave.

I only heat a tank of water if I am going to have a bath, why do I need to have a tank permanently full of hot water? I can boil a kettle to wash a few pots in the sink or wash my hair.

The other bill I have received is for £28.10 payable to Severn Trent Water. This covers the period from April to October, and is for surface water drainage. I will get another bill shortly from Anglia Water, it will be around £37, that's for clean water into the house, and a small amount of that will be sent on to Severn Trent for removal of dirty water through the sewers. Being on a water meter works best for me because I am in control of how much I use.

All cats are in for the night, they don't seem to want to go out much these days. Mayze spends a lot of time on my bed, she loves snuggling under the top cover, I often find a bump in the bed when I get in. Heidi is due for a vet visit later this week, we are getting to the end of her tablets. Best let the vet check her over and get some more. Bugsy is still camped out on the living room table right next to me. Boy does he yowl when I don't serve up the right food. Today they got a treat, I buy bags of cheap frozen white fish and microwave it for them. They love it.

Right, I'm off now. It's not yet 7pm and dark already. I still have to go and do my walk. I could have a day or two off but I don't want to drop behind. The extra I did last week has boosted my total, I will finish October over the target. Hope you are all keeping it up, no slacking now the weather is getting cooler. A good fast walk will keep you warm.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip