Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ice cream in the park

Hello. I did a Bailey dog walk today. It was a nice morning, so we went to the park, this was Rocky's favourite place to walk. It was busy,  half term here and the kiddywinks were having fun riding on the landtrain, scooting their scooters, climbing trees, kicking their footballs, and feeding the ducks. I had a Magnum ice cream, the white chocolate variety. 
And look, the Radio Humberside bus is here as well. David Reed the presenter was roping all the kids in to say a few words on the radio.

It was parked right outside the magnificent Normanby Hall. The staff are preparing it inside for an Easter opening. I might even splash out and get a season ticket this year which would allow me in the hall and to any events which will be taking place in the grounds throughout the summer.

We did the Woodland Walk. This is the pet graveyard for some of the many animals that have lived at the hall, in the staff quarters, and in the out buildings.

There are little wooden bridges to cross. The pond is pretty much stagnant here. 

The stream is only a very slow trickle and fills up when it has been raining.

Here is my walking pal for today. Bailey was in awe of such wide spaces, with lots of people, and new doggy smells.

When we got back his owner had just arrived back after her lunch out.

I'm getting itchy feet again, thinking about going on a long walk. Looking at maps, train times and cheap B & B's in Newcastle.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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Ice cream in the park
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