Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I can do that.

Hello. All my own work. I thought I would go for abstract this time, it's 8 x 10 inches. It's so easy, draw a few  straight lines, use objects as templates, draw round them, then colour in. These tester pots are going to last me ages. Frame from a charity shop for £1, not sure if it suits the picture, I might change it. 

Blurb.....My relationship with my artwork is pure passion. A blank canvas whispers to me and share's it's secrets. My hand is guided in a trance like state to follow the voice in my head. What appears in front of me is a notion of calm, of orderliness, and perfection. I am enthused by colours, they fill me with life, with with hope, and a yearning for a beautiful experience. I am never disappointed.

And if you believe that you will believe anything.
Thanks for popping on, I'm off to the library to change my books. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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