Friday, January 27, 2017

Hugo says.....

Hello. I've had my tootsies tickled today. Hugo has a clinic at the Age UK regional office in town, and charges only £10, so I thought it would be a good idea to get my feet checked to make sure there is nothing terribly wrong with them. 
I expected him to be an older man, he sounded older on the phone. I'm surprised that a young man chooses a career which involves getting up close to feet. He was a chatty friendly type, and he loves his job. He goes to care homes and does all the elderly people while they are having a coffee. He does home visits, and will visit groups. Here are his details for anyone in the North Lincolnshire area. 
Hugo says he has seem bunions a lot worse than mine. He says if they are not causing any bother leave them alone. They aren't so I will.

Hugo says I have two hard lumps on the balls of my feet, I'll cut them out. He said it's the pressure which causes that.

Hugo says it's ok to drain a blister and put antiseptic on it.
Hugo says do you want me to cut your toe nails. I said no, I've just washed my feet and cut them myself, I can reach them. But you can use your clippers on the two hard nails which I find difficult to cut with scissors.

Hugo says, do you want some moisturizer on them. I said, yes please.

Hugo asked me if I want to make another appointment. I said, no, I will see how they are in six months after I have done some more walking.

Hugo says he has the best job in the world. I said, no you don't I had the best job in the world, a lorry driver. Hugo says he has an HGV licence. I said he could make some money driving a truck. He says no thanks, I like looking after feet.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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Hugo says.....
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