Showing posts with label radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radio. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Enchanted Forest

Hello. I've had some emails asking to see my artworks, and although they are all on this blog they are scattered around so not easy to find. If you click on Crafty Stuff, or Arty Stuff on the side bar, it narrows it down a bit, but there is still a lot of clicking to find the posts you want. I thought I would make it a bit easier and make one or two videos, so I set the camera up on top of a small table on top of the ironing board, pointing at the picture. The only bit of me you see is my hand, as I talk you through it.

Please excuse the amateur narrative, I have no script, it's just off the top of my head. There are hesitations where I couldn't find the right words and forgot what comes next, but I think you will get the gist of it.

I call this picture The Enchanted Forest.

I did an interview last night at 10.20pm for BBC Ulster Radio, and I have to say it didn't go at all well. Vinny was the presenter, I had to listen very carefully to unravel his Irish accent, but I managed to answer his questions. Another one reading from a script. After a few minutes he brought in another contributor to the topic, an Irish woman who had her own views on how to shop for and feed a family. She sounded like she had her head in a bucket, it was echoey, and with her very Irish accent I could barely make out what she was saying. I picked up on her money saving tips which were in contradiction to my own, regarding food shopping. She says she gets a better deal by shopping at small independent shops. Vinny let her go on and on and on, and I was wondering was it all about her, and why did they bother to ring me.

Then it was my turn, so I was able to point out that shopping for a family was a different matter than shopping for a single person. I explained that I do shop around at the discount stores. Then he went completely off topic and started asking me about my lorry driving days. Why I do not know, then it all became a rush as he ran out of time and quickly terminated the interview. I felt as if I was pushed out of the door.

I won't put the link on, because I can't be bothered to listen to it myself. You are not missing anything if you can't be bothered to find it.

The interview I did tonight at 6pm was very much better. It was recorded for ABC Canberra Radio, Australia, so I'm not sure when it will go out. Philip the presenter said Good Morning to me, and I said Good Morning back, ha ha. His voice was clear and his questions were concise and easy to answer. I felt it went well. Not sure how I can listen to that back, maybe I can't unless they have the equivalent of our catch up channels.

I've just been snooping and found Phillip at ABC Canberra, he does a breakfast show. I'm going to be watching this in case I turn up there. Isn't the internet marvelous.

I'm going to pop off now, still got three miles to do, and it's 8pm. I have a free day tomorrow so I'll go and buy a phone, and I'll pick up a few items of food. I need bananas and eggs.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip

Thursday, February 18, 2016

What a jazzy pair of curtains, and another radio interview.

Hello. Here we have the unveiling of the patchwork curtains, all finished. Don't they look just dandy, I love them. The window is at the back of the house at the top of the stairs. They look nice against the pale blue walls. 
This is my pile of scrappy pieces of cotton, all shapes and sizes. Here is the post I wrote on how to get started. 
Today I finished them off by cutting two pieces of cotton sheet for the backing. I sewed the back to the front with right sides facing, leaving it open at the top. It doesn't matter if the edges are not neat, they can be trimmed off, before turning it right sides out.  
I found four pieces of curtain tape taken off some curtain samples I got from the Scrapstore. Two on each curtain will do the job just fine.

Best to iron it flat, then close up the openings at the top, adding the tape to the back. And there you are, done. I haven't bothered to quilt it, it hangs quite well without. This picture shows one curtain pulled across so you can see the design. 
I'm well chuffed with these, adds a splash of colour to brighten up the plain walls.

This is what was hanging there before, big improvement, eh! I found them in a skip, brand new still wrapped. I'll drop them into the charity shop. 
I had a smashing interview today on BBC Radio Leicester. I really enjoyed it, the presenter, Jonathan was great. It was more like a chat than an interrogation. If you want to listen click on the link and move the slider button across to 2 hours 12 minutes. It is only available for 29 days. I've just listened to it and it made me laugh, he was such a nice chappie.

Tomorrow I'm talkiing to someone on an Irish radio station. Couldn't quite catch the name of it when they asked me on the phone the other day. I hope they speak slowly and clearly so I can understand what they are saying.

I'm just off out now to do three miles, I'll add on the one mile I did earlier with Bella dog, making four. Is everyone else keeping up with their walking?

Thanks for popping in, Catch up tomorrow. Toodle pip

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chatting with Vanessa on BBC Radio 2

Chatting with Vanessa on BBC Radio 2

Hello. . It's been raining all day, so no walking tonight. I've been alternating between sewing machine and computer and phone today. The patchwork curtains are nearly finished, I just need to back them and sew the tape across the top. Might get them finished tomorrow.

I see a few of you listened to me on Radio 2 today, thank you for your comments on the previous post. Pity it wasn't Jeremy, he is relaxed and chatty with his guests. I  wondered if Vanessa was reading from a script,  she was firing questions at me. I felt as if I was under interrogation. She got my surname wrong in the introduction, and my age, and rushed through the interview. Didn't enjoy it as much as yesterday, with Radio Coventry.  

If you want to listen to it here is the link. Moved the slider button along to 39 minutes.

BBC Radio 2. Interview with Vanessa Feltz. 

I've got two more interviews in the pipeline, both with Irish radio stations. I'll let you know when they are confirmed.

Following the chat today I've been on the Radio 2 Facebook page and said my piece. A lot of comments were negative but quite a few positive ones as well which was nice.

I need to go to town tomorrow, my mobile phone has gone a bit funny. I'll go in the shop and get them to look at it. Might get a new one.

There is a new follower who is ploughing through the whole blog. She started at the beginning and is now on 2010. That's a heck of a lot of posts to read.

I'm a bit tired now, so I'll sign off. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Video killed the radio star ;o)

Hello. Another fun day, chatting on the radio. This time it was BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire. I sat there at the ready with my notes, waiting for the phone call which came at 10.30am. Marian was the presenter, she was very easy to talk to. If you want to listen to it, click on the link and slide the button along to 1 hour 35 minutes. . The interview is in two parts, with music in the middle, and finishes on 1 hour 58 minutes. It is only available for 29 days. The sound quality is not very clear at my end, I think I have my mouth too close to the phone. I noticed a couple of times I stumbled on my words, must try not to do that in future.

BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire

I thought it would be fun to set my camera up to record me while I was speaking, but of course you only get my side of the conversation. I had been listening to the programme live on the iplayer from the start, but as soon as the phone call came I had to switch it off. Only the first part of the interview is on this video. I've put it on  yooootoooob. Have a look at my facial expressions, what a larf, ha ha. I am looking at the computer screen most of the time.

I'm going to be doing it all again tomorrow, on the Jeremy Vine Show on Radio 2 at about 12.30pm. Jeremy won't be there, Vanessa Feltz is standing in for him. I won't be making a film of it so it doesn't matter what I look like. It won't be long before I chop my hair, it's getting too long.

I've stuffed my face with a big dinner tonight, tons of veg, I need to be getting out for a walk soon and I still feel full. Maybe walking it off will be a good idea.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip